A Cautionary Tale
Eight days ago my
computer transformed into one humongous bug. What had it eaten? A new food
called Windows 10. Windows 10 was free! It had all sorts of neat new options.
What was not to like? I took the bait and Windows 10 took care of the rest. It trashed the contents of my
computer. Bugs, viruses, bad registration keys, corrupted files. Not to worry,
I had Geek Squad do a virus cleanup but the files were too corrupted to revert to Windows 7. Which of course, required the authorization key. How
could I access the key when I'd recorded it in Outlook which was no longer in
my now naked computer? How could I find that key when I couldn't even find my
Samsung computer file with disks and manuals and pamphlets that might have helped?
Enter my guardian angel, my iPhone, where I'd, oh so smartly, typed that
information into contacts. Two days later I had my computer back with Windows 7 and Microsoft Office 2010 reinstalled.
While I can access my
three email accounts on their websites, I have no access to all those files in
Outlook where I'd neatly organized everything I considered important (and I had
a lot of those) including those e-mails I'd set aside in the "to answer
when I have more time" file. Haven't heard from me? That's why.
So. What have I learned?
Don't trust freebies, especially when they involve your computer. And, above ll beware of Windows 10.